I love the color pink. It makes me feel like a little girl again. The soft color reminds me of the childhood bedroom I shared with my sister many years ago. We each had a twin bed in our pink bedroom where we would lay playing with our dolls and coloring with crayons in our coloring books. We played games in our pink bedroom and brushed each others hair, playing beauty shop. I remember her humidifier in our pink bedroom. She has asthma. If I listen closely to my memory, I can still hear the sound of her humidifier as it cycled throughout the night keeping her lungs open and clear. I remember worrying that she might stop breathing. As we grew into teenagers, our parents made a bedroom for me in the basement of our home, my sister kept the pink bedroom. I remember being so happy to have my own bedroom, with my own things. I am sure she felt the same. As I have grown older, those memories draw me back to my childhood, to the pink bedroom I shared with my sister. I miss those days.
Now, many years later, I own a four bedroom home. I recently painted one of my bedrooms pink. For me, the color represents the innocence of my childhood and the good memories I made with my sister so many years ago. I have dedicated my pink bedroom to my eldest, now grown daughter. She reminds me of the color pink, innocent and sweet like my childhood memories. Appropriately, the paint color I selected for my pink bedroom is called "My Sweetheart".
I hope, one day, I will have granddaughters who play with dolls in my pink bedroom and color with crayons in coloring books. I hope they giggle until they lose their breath and tell each other secrets in the middle of the night. I hope my sister and I can watch them from afar with smiles on our faces, remembering the good old days.
I love my sister, I love the color pink...
So sweet. It feels like 'love'. Darling blog. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine. Blogger power! =)